Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New Christmas holiday episode now online

That's right, friends! The long-awaited episode of the Christmas season is now available. In this show, Joe, Tory, and Jeremy will show you how to cook a few of their favorite holiday dishes, as well as showcase their latest singing venture. Who doesn't love a holiday Christmas album?

Learn to cook, with the boys! Enjoy!

Cooking with the Boys - Christmas 2008 episode from Joe Adams on Vimeo.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, and Homeowners! Lend us your kitchen space for a modicum of time.

Hello friends! The "boys" are looking for kitchen space to shoot our upcoming Christmas episode! It's been over a year since we've been able to produce an episode due to equipment failure, time constraints, and lack of good space to shoot in.

I live in an apartment, and, as you can imagine, that space is quite limiting. Our past episodes were filmed in an apartment kitchen, but we'd like to do more. So, we're hosting a "Cooking with the Boys cooking tour".

Do you have kitchen space available? We're looking to shoot on Monday, December 1st, from 9AM to 3PM. That's coming up quickly. Here is the deal. You open up your kitchen space to us for free, we'll haul in some equipment, shoot the episode, clean up your kitchen, and let you have what we cook. Well, the leftovers, anyway. You cannot beat that deal. There are a few more details we can provide if you get in touch with us. We don't need a ton of space, but anything involving a middle island should work nicely.

Leave blog comments here if you have space available and would like to help us out. Ideally we're looking for a kitchen already decorated for Christmas. We all know some of you start decorating early. Don't try to cover it up. We can feature your house in the episode if you want. Be the first on the "tour". Have your house seen all over the Internet as people watch us cook. We're not guaranteeing you'll become celebrities overnight, but hey, it just might happen. But only if you lend us your space.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No new episodes yet

Sorry folks... the content we filmed back in April, we had to scrap. The footage was deteriorated on the tapes due to some camera quality issues, and I refuse to publish content that is not awesome. There. I said it. And we've all been too busy to record anything else new.

Enjoy this though--a quick little episode I recorded on my phone. It's not complete... but hey. Enjoy anyway.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

New episodes hopefully coming soon

Well, all of us boys here with CWTB have been very busy. It's a lot of work for us to put together "official" episodes. We're hoping to schedule some time here soon where we can all get together and film a new episode. What would you like to see us cook? Want to learn something in particular? Have a favorite "genre" of food you want to see us cook?

Just post comments...
